Beulah Sickle Cell Foundation - I call them WARRIORS

Newsletter August 2019

"Note, I do not refer to my Sickle Cell Disease fellows as sicklers or sufferers or any name that tends to stigmatization. I call them WARRIORS."

Our August clinic on the 9th of August, 2019 was equally a great success. I was so humbled seeing few mothers crying almost all through the program, the relief was so much for them knowing it is now possible to access free routine drugs on regular basis for their warriors. Note, I do not refer to my Sickle Cell Disease fellows as sicklers or sufferers or any name that tends to stigmatization. I call them WARRIORS.

The relief of warriors cannot be over emphasized. Now having a place to turn to for aid, counselling and most importantly a community of friends that knows and understand their pains and agonies. A place they can draw strength from. The hope I saw come alive in them and their loved ones was a big satisfaction to me.

The medical environment was relieved knowing they have a place to direct warriors rather than just give them list of medication they cannot afford to get.

This is the second edition of the clinic and the warriors have increased by  20% compared to previous month. 

We in Beulah Sickle Cell Foundation have made a commitment to warriors, given hope to the hopeless, and seen the smiles and relief on their faces. This is a huge satisfaction knowing we are fulfilling our vision. 

Can we do it alone??? The answer is NO

Join your hands with us to make this a continued reality.

Thank you,

Josephine Olunaike