Rigassi, Daniela - Project Leader

Rigassi, Daniela

PILOT Team Administrator

Project Co-Leader

Good Health & Wellness for Women 

BPW Switzerland, Club Baselland


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Daniela Rigassi is an economist and holds a degree in project management and teaching. She started as a teacher for German, English and history. She then continued as an analyst and programmer for an insurance company before changing into project and process management as well as consultancy for companies in the financial sector. She now works for an international printer company, where she leads projects for strategic national and international clients. Daniela Rigassi joined BPW Switzerland in 2005, where she is the club delegate on the national level. Since 2012 she has been a member of the taskforce of Leadership and Lifelong Learning and has been co-organising the annual pre-conference on cross-cultural understanding in Cairo. She has a strong interest in international and cross- cultural aspects in everyday life and business collaboration.

Languages: German, English, French