Looking for ...

Offers for Voluntary Work

Are you a member of BPW? Would you like to contribute your free time, your skills and your manpower to a BPW team for a BPW Project?


Then please fill in the following form and offer your voluntary work here.  


BPW Member Project Leaders can browse through the offers here and get in touch directly via the mail provided.

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pilot team is looking for ...

The PILOT Team BPW International Member Project and Experts is looking for members who are motivated to translate the guidelines or flyers for the PILOT. Voluntary work, communication language English, translations to Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arabic, etc. 

Please contact the PILOT Chair Antoinette Rüegg: antoinette.ruegg@bpw-projects.org

Administrational Work

pilot team is looking for ...

The PILOT Team BPW International Member Project and Experts is looking for a member who is motivated to take over some well-defined administrational work. 5 hours/week voluntary work, communication language English. 

Please contact the PILOT Chair Antoinette Rüegg: antoinette.ruegg@bpw-projects.org