Registration for Experts

Regional Conference Latin America in Panama
Regional Conference Latin America in Panama

register if ...

  • you are passionate about an issue
  • you are looking for a platform, where you can show and exchange your results
  • you are retired and have time for commitments
  • you like international contacts around the globe
  • you are looking for BPW members, with whom you can share your experiences
  • you like to attend UN conferences which deal with your issues 

Do not register if ...

  • you hate new adventures
  • you think that Project or Taskforce Chairs need outstanding abilities
  • you have not the courage just to try
  • you are convinced you will never be able to use Skype
  • you do not want to exchange across the borders
  • writing reports is a horror for you and you will not find a BPW, who would do it for you 


Please follow these steps for registration:

  • Prepare your documents for registration, i.e. CV (for BPW intern use only), Short CV (for publication), Photo (digital original)
  • Inform your BPW Club President and your BPW Federation President by mail, send them the Confirmation forms to be signed and returned to you
  • Fill in your online Registration Form; with your click your data are registered in the data of the PILOT administrator Daniela.
  • Send a mail with all documents (CV, Short CV, Photo, Confirmation Club, Confirmation Federation) to the PILOT administrator Daniela: - You can also use WeTransfer
  • Only if ALL required documents are sent to the PILOT Administrator, the request for registration as a Project Leader, Project Member or Expert will be forwarded to the BPW International Executive Board for approval. Only approved registrations will be listed and will show up on the website. 


Thank you for your work!