Lists of Club & Federation Projects

The Club & Federation Projects are listed 

  • sorted by Country
  • sorted by BPW Topic
  • sorted by UN SDG (UN Sustainable Development Goals)

All lists are longer than one page, please surf through the collection!

Every project is listed with

  • Project Title
  • Short Goal
  • Responsible for Contact (click to E-Mail!)
  • BPW Club, Federation, Country, Region
  • Date of Registration
  • Links (if any)

List sorted by Country - page 1

Countries in alphabetic order.

E - F - G - H - I

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Trocas Inteligentes  BPW Porto Alegre / Intelligent Exchanges BPW Porto Alegre

To benefit its associates through the exchange of other women´s experiences, and to attract more associates. 

BPW Club Porto Alegre

Brazil - Region Latin America

Registration: July 2018

BPW Topic: 1

SDG: 5

Leilao de Gado de Corte - Mulher BPW Campo Grande

Dar visibilidade a BPW como PROMOTORA e ORGANIZADORA de eventos de sustentabilidade. 

BPW Club Campo Grande

Brazil - Region Latin America

Registration: Apr 2018

BPW Topic: 4, 5

SDG: 5, 8

Plante Agua - Academia De Capacitacao De Emaixadorass Da Agua 

To train and capacitate women to be multipliers in the Brazilian Women's Water Ambassadors Academies.

BPW Club Porto Alegre

Brazil - Region Latin America

Registration: Feb 2018

BPW Topic: 5

SDG: 14



Water Melon

Amener au moins 500  femmes et filles, associations et coopératives paysannes de la Sanaga maritime à plus d’entrepreunariat et d’autonomie.

BPW Club Edea

Cameroon - Region Africa

Registration: Jan 2018

BPW Topic: 5

SDG: 10, 8, 5

Autonomisation effective des femmes et filles paysannes

Sensibilisation et formation sur l’agriculture de seconde génération, un champ de pastèque pour asseoir l’autonomisation des filles et femmes paysannes de la Sanaga-maritim.

BPW Club Edea

Cameroon - Region Africa

Registration: Jan 2018

BPW Topic: 8, 5

SDG: 10, 8, 5

Centre informatique multifonction

Réduction de la pauvreté par la prise en charge des membres à travers des activités génératrices de revenues et la valorisation humaine en particulier, les jeunes filles et femmes paysannes.

BPW Club Edea

Cameroon - Region Africa

Registration: Jan 2018

BPW Topic: 9, 7

SDG: 8, 4

Banane Plantain

Améliorer leurs revenus et le niveau de vie de ses membres et de contribuer à la relance économique du pays.

BPW Club Edea

Cameroon - Region Africa

Registration: Jan 2018

BPW Topic: 10, 4, 5

SDG: 10, 8

Complexe Agropastoral

Améliorer les conditions de vie des couches vulnérables; renforcer les capacités et l’autonomisation des femmes;  réduction de la pauvreté.

BPW Club Edea

Cameroon - Region Africa

Registration: Jan 2018

BPW Topic: 5

SDG: 12, 10, 8


BPW AdrionNet - The Networking of Business and Professional Women in Adriatic Ionian Region

Organizing Networkings, Forums and working groups; achieve regional cooperation and collaboration between BPW clubs of the Adriatic-Ionian region. 

BPW Club Pula

Croatia - Region Europe

Registration: Feb 2019

BPW Topic: 1, 11

SDG: 5, 17


Lobbying for Shopping

Fostering micro women entrepreneurs to buy the other women's products or services.

BPW Club Pula

Croatia - Region Europe

Registration: Feb 2019

BPW Topic: 4

SDG: 8


Adrion Net

Promotion of women entrepreneurs in Adriatic countries.

BPW Club Pula

Croatia - Region Europe

Registration: Dec 2017

BPW Topic: 4

SDG: 8


Women in Stem

Promotion of women in STEM

BPW Club Pula

Croatia - Region Europe

Registration: Dec 2017

BPW Topic: 8

SDG: 4


Gender Equality Campaign

To examine, measure, raise awareness of and remedy gender inequality in Cyprus.

BPW Cyprus

Cyprus - Region Europe

FB: bpwcyprus

Registration: May 2018

BPW Topic: 8

SDG: 5


Gender Equality Initiative Cyprus

To research and document the extent of gender discrimination in the workplace, and propose a pathway to change.

BPW Cyprus

Cyprus - Region Europe

Registration: Feb 2018

BPW Topic: 8

SDG: 5


Czech Republic

Equal Pay Day

The project focuses on improving the gender gap in the Czech Republic and the Czech Republic factors that have had a negative impact on gender equality in social and working life environment. 

BPW Club Prague II

Czech Republic - Region Europe

Registration: Feb 2019

BPW Topic: 4

SDG: 5, 8, 10


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