
Resolution PILOT approved - Details from the GA

PILOT Team is starting in the new triennium 2021-2024

PILOT Team is starting with 1st session into the new Triennium 2021-2024.


According to the new International Theme New Actions through Cooperation you will hear about New Actions during the summer!

Géraldine Crevat and her Intercontinental Online Meetings

Question Time with Géraldine Crevat – To BPW Members Around the World!

Virtual event from BPW FIDAPA Vicenza-Italy

BPW from all over the world were attending this meeting, Brazil was represented, Canada with Quebec, a BPW from Tennessee, France, Switzerland, and of course Italy from Sicily over Rome to Vicenza. 

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Question Time with Géraldine Crevat

Friday, April 9, 2021 - 18:00 hrs Rome

Invitation for BPW Sisters Around the World

by FIDAPA BPW Italy Sezione Vicenza


Question Time with Géraldine Crevat

Leader of BPW International Mobility Member Project, Leader of BPW International Online Meetings Member Project

Please register:

Report PILOT Projects by Dr. Antoinette Rüegg

Member Projects, Experts & Titles of Club & Federation Projects is reaching its end of the pilot phase and will be voted on at the next International Congress i.e. at the BPW International Virtual General Assembly march 21-30, 2021.

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PILOT Projects Statistics, Dec 2020

Club&Federation Projects - Distribution according Regions
Club&Federation Projects - Distribution according Regions

Member Projects, Experts & Titles of Federation & Club Projects is reaching its end of the pilot phase and will be voted on at the next International Congress i.e. at the BPW International Virtual General Assembly march 21-30, 2021.

A few years ago BPW International has started collecting

a) projects realized by individual members (since 2016)

b) projects realized by BPW clubs and federations (since 2018) and

c) experts (since 2016).  

The number of club & federation projects is expected to grow as many countries and clubs have not registered their projects (which are however reported by the country and regional coordinators in their annual reports).

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Members' Feedback to the PILOT Project

Members' Feedback to the PILOT Project

Member Projects, Experts & Titles of Federation & Club Projects is reaching its end of the pilot phase and will be voted on at the next International Congress i.e. at the BPW International Virtual General Assembly march 21-30, 2021.

Find here the feedback from BPW members who have participated in this pilot project.

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UN - World Day End Violence Against Women

A reminder to the World Day "End Violence against Women"

Donne vittime di violenza, Fidapa Sanremo portavoce del progetto internazionale “Focus sull’autore degli abusi”

Women victims of violence, Fidapa Sanremo spokesperson for the international project "Focus on the perpetrator of abuse".

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Nerwaya - New Member Project in Corona-Times


Improve community capacities in preparedness and response to the COVID-19 epidemic.

Specific objectives

The objectives retained for implementation of the plan are:

  • promote infection prevention and control measures in the community;
  • ensure effective communication on risks;
  • ensuring the resilience of the community;
  • deploy mental health activities and psychosocial support SMSPS
  • strengthen coordination for the preparation and response to a COVID-19 epidemic.

dinner@home - Club-Project Successfully Completed

A Club&Federation Project - successfully completed

With this message BPW Club Davos Klosters informed us about their successfully completed project dinner@home for Shelter for Abused Women:

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Club life despite Corona? Yeah, sure!

Join #callabpw and use the coffee break for a call! 

☎️ How are you doing?

Do you need anything?☎️ 

Thanks for the initiative, BPW Club Lucerne, Switzerland! 💕

New Member Projects from Nepal

Sadikshya Aryal 

with 2 new Member Projects from Nepal


After Sadikshya has already registered as an expert on our platform, she now registered as Project Leader and introduces us to 2 member projects from Nepal.

Both projects are working with the support of modern technology to achieve existential goals in rural areas.

She works within the initiative GIRLS4RURALS and Himalayan Innovations.


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Understanding everything ...

Understanding everything on this website?


Here is a little helper if you would like to get a quick translation. Not without mistakes, but gives you quite a good understanding of the texts.

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PILOT Project Statistics, Dec 2019

A few years ago BPW International has started collecting

a) projects realized by individual members (since 2016)

b) projects realized by BPW clubs and federations (since 2018) and

c) experts (since 2016).  

The number of club & federation projects is expected to grow as many countries and clubs have not registered their projects (which are however reported by the country and regional coordinators in their annual reports).


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Gesundheit im Berufs- und Geschäftskontext

Gesundheit im Berufs- und Geschäftskontext

Eine Veranstaltung für Frauen zur Unterstützung von beruflichen, geschäftlichen und persönlichen Potentialen

25. April 2020, im Mentelin Hof in Basel

Anmeldungen über

> Download Flyer 

> zum Projekt

Digital on Board - Report Rome 2019

Digital on Board

Report at Rome-Congress September 2019

> Download pdf

> Digital on Board - Project

Market Based Access to Affordable Healthcare

Market BasedAccess to Affordable Healthcare


Laverley, Juliet - Sierra Leone



3 Good Health and Wellbeing

10 Reduced Inequalities


BPW Topics:

4 Economy, Business, Finances, Trade, Employment

6 Health


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Aryal, Sadikshya - Expert

Aryal, Sadikshya



BPW Topics

1. BPW Membership, BPW Organisational Development, Strategies, PR

5. Environment, Agrigulture, Nature, Water

8. Leadership, Development, Lifelong Learning, Training

11. UN, Partnerships, Cooperation

12. Young BPW


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New on this website - Presentations

Find new on this website:


Presentations on BPW and projects can now be downloaded as pdf files from this website. The presentations can be found under News.

> Presentations

Global LEAP Awards - Finalist 2019

Let us celebrate!

ennos has been awarded as Global LEAP 2019 Solar Water Pump Competition Finalist!

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PILOT Project Statistics, Sept 2019

A few years ago BPW International has started collecting

a) projects realized by individual members (since 2016)

b) projects realized by BPW’s clubs and federations (since 2018) and

c) experts (since 2016).  

The number of club & federation projects is expected to grow as many countries and clubs have not registered their projects (which are however reported by the country and regional coordinators in their annual reports).

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Digital PILOT Meeting

Modern digital technique ”Zoom” used at PILOT meetings. 

For the second time Ursula Schmid, PILOT Webmaster, attended the PILOT meeting by “Zoom”, which means on a mobile screen. It was as if she would sit at the table, an impressive experience with great potential for our BPW work. 

Daniela Rigassi, PILOT Administrator,

Antoinette Rüegg, PILOT Chair

Visit and Promotion at Latin American Regional Conference in Quito, Ecuador

BPWI Regional Conference of Latin America in Quito, Ecuador, 13-15 September 2019

Dr. Catherine Bosshart, VP UN, and Daniela Rigassi, Administrator PILOT Team, during their speech at the conference.

Catherine and Daniela spoke among other things about BPW International Sustainable Development and thus about the PILOT BPW Projects. 

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Beulah Sickle Cell Foundation - I call them WARRIORS

Newsletter August 2019

"Note, I do not refer to my Sickle Cell Disease fellows as sicklers or sufferers or any name that tends to stigmatization. I call them WARRIORS."

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Beulah Sickle Cell Foundation

Mail from Josephine Olunaike, Project Leader of Sickle Cell Disorder:


Further to my presentations for the past 3 years on the struggle to eradicate Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) and create more awareness on the disease in Nigeria, I am so happy to let you know that Beulah Sickle Cell Foundation was formally launched. 

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High Ranking Visit and Networking

High-ranking visit to BPW Karin Jeanneret and her Member Project Solar Water Pump

After the Global Summit of Women in Basel, Chularat Israngkool Na Ayutthaya took the opportunity to meet the successful Project Leader Karin Jeanneret in Biel.

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Alexia Weill - Exhibitions Summer 2019

Newsletter Juli 2019

Alexia Weill is a BPW International Expert. She informs on her newsletter of July 2019 about her exhibitions during summer 2019.

Find all information and links on the Newsletter Juli 2019.

Together we are stronger!

Newsletter June 26, 2019

Solar Water Pump

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The Cultural Authenticity Challenge

Presentation by Dahlia Salem

Egypt Business Women Association (EBWA) Conference April 23-25, 2019 in Cairo

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New Website for Member Project:

Sabine Baehrer-Kohler and Daniela Rigassi, BPW Switzerland, Club Baselland, have created a new website for their BPW International Member Project.

Good Health & Wellness for Women


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Can Intercultural Competence Be Learned?

Presentation by Johanna Marius

Egypt Business Women Association (EBWA) Conference April 23-25, 2019 in Cairo


> read more about the project

52 registered Club & Federations Project Titles until April 2019 - Statistics

PILOT - statistics april 2019

Thanks to the digitally managed data from the PILOT project, we regularly have statistics available on the quantity, origin and orientation of the applications received.  In April 2019 a total of 52 Club & Federation project titles were available. The origin of the applications can be seen in the image on the left).

Thank you, Daniela Rigassi, PILOT Team Administrator, for your accurate and detailed data collection and analysis.

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Alexia Weill, BPW International Expert, Exhibition in New York



The show takes place in a 23rd floor penthouse of a midtown condo with breathtaking views of Manhattan.



L'exposition a lieu au 23ème étage d'un penthouse avec une vue à couper le souffle sur Manhattan.

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Dubai Exhibition by Alexia Weill, BPW Expert

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BPW Leaders' Summit 2019 on Sustainable Development of BPW

BPW Leaders' Summit 2019 in New York

The topic of the first day, 8th March - and International Women's Day:

18th SDG: Sustainable Development of BPW


Foto: Regions working intensively on sustainable developmet of BPW 

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RegART 10 sur l'égalité

2019 is the 10th year of Equal Pay Day in Switzerland. BPW Club Lausanne, together with the Office of Equality between women and men of the State of Vaud and with the Community of the City of Lausanne, are presenting the exhibition RegART10 on equality

Alexia Weill, Expert of BPW International Member Projects, is one of the presenting artists. 

Please find the invitation to the vernissage and the finissage to this event on

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Successful Member Project "Global Compact"



Project Leader Marilyn Forsythe presented her Member Project Global Compact at the BPW International Asia-Pacific Regional Conference in Bangkok in October 2018. She was invited by our BPW International UN Chair Catherine Bosshart to cooperate with her, and the Regional Coordinator for Latin America, Diana Barragan, invited her to present Global Compact at the Latin America Regional Conference in Quito next September.

Marilyn Forsythe

BPW Regional Conference Asia Pacific

BPW Regional Conference Asia Pacific,  Bangkok, November 1st 2018:


Daniela Rigassi, PILOT Administrator, with her presentation about "Sustainable Development of BPW by PILOT Tools"


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Online Meeting: BPW Cyprus by Kikoula Cotsapas

Great Short story

Kikoula Cotsapas


When I started working at the family industry years ago we had an Association of juice producers and packers with the five Cypriot industries as members. The Association's annual presidency went in turn to each member.

That particular year it was our turn but my father asked me to take the chair as he was too busy with a couple of new projects at the factory. When I said so at the Directors' meeting I realized that my colleagues were utterly surprised and looked at each other in disbelief. Finally one of them said I should not be bothered with such matters and advised me ''to send instead a man from the office”. I gathered all my courage and answered that I will take the chair and if I felt I could not cope I should step down for one of the other Directors to take over.

I was voted Chairperson of the Association for the next 10 years.

Life in Brazil

Life in Brazil - Online Meeting Sept. 2018

On September 26th Géraldine Crevat, project leader of the Member Project: Online Meetings,  organized an exchange on Brazil. 

Beatriz Rosa and Lode Saliba Raffoul, BPW Sao Paulo, offered an excellent presentation and answered questions from participants from all Regions.


Presentation (pdf) 

Alexia Weill, BPW Expert, debuts in New York City

Newsletter Autumn 2018


Alexia Weill debuts in New-York City from October 19 to 25 at 287/LES. With deep thanks to Corcoran Marketing New Development and maoneworld.

Invitation to a special event celebrating Alexia Weill's debut coming shortly!

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PILOT meeting in Zurich - Questions

QUESTIONS which Ursula Schmid, Webmaster BPW Cluster website, and Antoinette Rüegg, PILOT Chair, discussed at their PILOT meeting in Zurich:

-      How to replace banal Facebook posts by meaningful statements?

-      Women, in contrast to men, do not show their performances. Unfortunately BPW practice this bad habit, too … what to do? See

-      How to realize our BPW goal in a sustainable manner? As sustainability is part of our International Theme the topic will be discussed in a BLOG. See

-      End of August webmaster Ursula Schmid offers a one day instruction: How to create and update a website in easy CMS?

Empowering BPW - Empowering Ourselves

The PILOT Team Members Catherine Bosshart, Daniela Rigassi, Ursula Schmid and Antoinette Rüegg met before the Annual Meeting of BPW Switzerland.

They prepared the paper which asks the Delegates and participants of the meeting

PILOT: From Member Projects to Project Pool

The PILOT concept has developed. 

The new name BPW Project Pool unifies the 3 tools

  • Clubs & Federations Projects
  • Member Projects
  • Experts

You find all information and registration forms on  

Register your Club & Federation Project now and make it visible!

Show your Member Project in BPW setting and profit from BPW connections and prestige!

Offer your expertise to BPW Projects and support development!

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Art Expert Alexia Weill supports Equal Pay Day

A huge shopping bag, bright red, soft and flexible, with a big writable area for messages of solidarity! This creation was presented in Lausanne last week by BPW Alexia Weill and members of BPW Club Lausanne.

With this work of art Alexia Weill, BPW Expert for Art and Sculpture within the BPW Project Pool, has created a sculpture in view of the near 24th of February, the 10th anniversary of the Equal Pay Day in Switzerland. 

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Next Intercontinental Online Meeting - Register Now!

Invitation of Géraldine Crevat, Member Project Leader of “International Mobility” and “Online Meetings”, to her next intercontinental online Skype meeting:

Past International President Liz Benham 

will speak about 

American women’s way of life and her concerns


Wednesday, 21st February,

9 pm, Central European Time CET

For registrations please contact

Registration deadline: Sunday, 18 February 2018

PILOT Meeting in Zurich

The international Vice President Catherine Bosshart met the PILOT Team members, Antoinette Rüegg, PILOT Chair, Daniela Rigassi, PILOT Administrator, and Ursula Schmid, PILOT Webmaster, in Zurich.

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International Online Meeting with Amany Asfour and Catherine Bosshart

The international President Amany Asfour and the Vice President Catherine Bosshart (s. photo) greeted the participants of the intercontinental Online Meeting “International Mobility” about Uganda.


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Appreciation Award

New BPW International President Dr. Amany Asfour signed as one of her first official acts an "Appreciation Award for Outstanding Commitment" for Ursula Schmid.

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BPW PILOT Members on tour at Cairo Congress

Visiting Karin Jeanneret, BPW Biel / Switzerland and her booth. 

Karin is presenting her Member Project „Solar Water Pump“. 

On the foto Karin (sitting), from left to right: Vroni Rohrbach; Daniela Rigassi; Claire-Marie Kabore, President BPW Ouagadougou; Dr. Antoinette Rüegg.

Read more about the project on

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